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The Best Gifts for a New Mom

It’s not always easy choosing a gift for a new mom or mom-to-be. You need to consider what she will find the most useful, what her parenting style may be, and what items she may already have. Even if she set up a registry, the items available may not feel personal enough or, as is often the case with post-partum accessories, may feel way too personal for your specific relationship.

When it comes to gifts for a new mom, the most important things to remember are comfort and convenience. The new baby takes up an enormous amount of time and energy, so anything that makes life just a little easier or provides some comfort in the chaos is sure to be a win.

Here are 5 gift ideas that every new mom will appreciate:

#1. Nourishment

New moms are tired and hungry – very hungry. If you can, offer to cook her dinner or have something delivered during the first few weeks of baby’s arrival. The best foods are those that take little to no preparation on her part and that freeze well in case she’s not ready for them just yet. Bonus points for anything that’s easy to eat with one hand while holding a baby with the other.  

#2. A Quality Swaddle

Babies love to be swaddled because the tight, warm embrace reminds them of the comfort of the womb. A new mom will spend a lot of time swaddling and re-swaddling the baby throughout the day and night, and a high-quality swaddle can make a huge difference in how enjoyable and effective this process could be. Look for a swaddle made from ultra-soft, temperature-controlled bamboo fabric, such as the Soothing Sleep Bamboo Baby Swaddle Wrap from Baby WANT Designs. This will quickly become mom’s most-used item.

#3. A Luxurious Robe

With a new baby, there are bound to be late nights and early mornings in mom’s future. A warm, comfortable robe that’s easy to take on and off will be a truly useful gift, especially if she’s nursing. In moments when it can seem impossible to even find the time to brush her hair, the luxurious embrace of a good robe will be a welcome treat.

#4. A Special Blanket

You can never have too many blankets for a newborn, but not all blankets are created equal. When looking for a gift, choose a durable, versatile, ultra-soft blanket that mom and baby will want to have with them for every feed, nap, and cuddle. Baby Minky Blankets are a particularly great gift choice because of the many beautiful colors and unique, trendy designs to choose from.

#5. Gift Cards

If all else fails, you can never go wrong with a gift card. The best options are food delivery gift cards (see tip #1!) or online marketplaces that can deliver diapers, bottles, or pacifiers quickly. It’s not the most sentimental gift, but it definitely will come in handy.

Whether it’s a baby shower or you’re going to see the little one for the first time, you can’t go wrong with any one of these gifts – especially if you offer to babysit as well!


  • My best friend is expecting her little one in about 6 weeks now and I want to make her up a little gift basket since she was not able to have a shower due to COVID. These are great suggestions! I will get a few from the list and add them to the other items I had already planned on getting. I am sure she will love this.

    Laura Green
  • This was a really timely read for me – I’m at that point in my life where it feels like everyone I know is pregnant. I think these are great gift choices because they sit at that perfect intersection of “need” and “want” – like yes, you need a swaddle to help you carry your baby, but it’s not technically necessary to get a really nice one, so it’s hard to splurge for yourself…which is why it’s a great option to give as a gift!

  • I have always had a hard time picking gifts for new mom friends. You want your gift to be loved and useful. A friend of mine recommended your site. I gave another one of our friends a baby basket to be used for laundry and put 3 minky blankets inside with a new outfit. She loved it! Thank you!

    Jen Rosello
  • Wow, these are such amazing ideas. I have a few friends who are expecting their babies and these gifts would just be perfect for each one of them. I especially love the robe idea! Who wouldn’t want to be warm and cozy when snuggling with a baby.

    Marija Vod.
  • I was wondering what to get my best friend as she’s going to be a new mom for a little princess very soon, and I think I’m going to get her one of your Minkey Blankets, I fell in love with them, I’m ordering Bunny Hop, I find it perfect for a newborn baby girl. Thank you!


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