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5 Tips to Keep Toddler Bath Time Fun and Stress-Free

It’s the end of the day - dinner is over, it’s getting dark, and you’ve finished cleaning the kitchen for the 100th time. You can see the finish line (read: bedtime) in the not-so-distant future, and you’re already thinking about what TV show to watch once you can finally take a break and sit on the couch. The last hurdle between now and that glorious rest is bath time, and the hope – the dream – is that it’s a fun, relaxing experience for both you and your toddler to slowly wind down and end your day.

If you’ve ever actually had to give a toddler a bath, though, you know that this is not always the case. Whether it’s a child that doesn’t want to get into the bath in the first place, one that tries to climb out the whole time, or one that cries the moment you try to take him or her out, there are numerous opportunities for disaster. However, there are a few things you can do to help avoid the conflict and ensure an enjoyable bath time:

#1. Buy A Bath Mat

As soon as your baby can crawl, keeping him or her seated in a child-sized tub becomes an impossible task. Do yourself a favor and choose not to have this daily battle. Instead, purchase a textured mat to lay on the bottom of the adult bath, fill the entire tub just a few inches deep, and let your child explore. A toddler will try to walk or pull up to stand on the side of the tub, and the textured bath mat will help prevent falls.

#2. Add A Cup

There are hundreds of options when it comes to toys you can purchase to entertain your toddler in the bath, but arguably the best and most important one is a simple cup. A bath is where toddlers can let their love for spilling run free, filling up and dumping out the cup to their heart’s content. This is a perfect bath time activity because it’s not too stimulating. The bath is meant to be calming and loud, bright toys have the opposite effect. Add a few cups of different sizes, and you have the perfect bath time game.

#3. Get In There

Whether it’s sore knees from the bathroom tiles or a painful lower back from bending over, bathing a toddler can take a physical toll on parents. As they say, “if you can’t beat them, join them” and this is very true when it comes to toddler baths. Hopping into the bath with your toddler can make the whole experience easier and can also be a great bonding activity.

#4. Try A Shower

Sometimes kids, like adults, get sick of the same old routines. A fun way to break up the bath ritual is to opt for a shower instead. The water falling from above is new and exciting for toddlers, and a little bit of shaving cream art on the shower door will keep them occupied for at least a few minutes.

#5. Set Up A Cozy Post-Bath Ritual

If your toddler loves his or her baths and cries when it’s time to come out, try creating a special post-bath routine for them to look forward to. Keep the items necessary for that routine close by so that your toddler can see them as you’re getting him or her out of the bath. For example, seeing a favorite book and a familiar, warm blanket, such as an ultrasoft Toddler MinkyBlanket, waiting for them may be enough to discourage an end-of-bath fight.

With a little creativity, bath time really can be a fun, calming way to end your day – something that both you and your toddler look forward to.


  • My little one was so scared of bathes that no matter what I tried, nothing worked. I got all sorts of bath toys, we tried distracting him, he just was not having it. I came across your blog and this article. I gave the cup a shot earlier today. I am blown away. He loves it!! He was actually giggling. We managed to give him a proper bath and he didn’t start crying until we were nearly finished which is huge progress.

  • Awww love this advice, especially the importance of adding a cup – it’s so funny how toddlers are always more entertained by the simplest household appliances.

    Also, yesss to the shower idea! A bit of routine change really adds a bit of freshness and excitement to things. Those blankets are SO cute.

  • I just got done with bath time… Needless to say I’m soaking wet from my kid getting in and out of the tub eight times. I think it’s more stressful for me and yes my back is killing me. I did just recently add the cups to my routine but I think a post bath ritual would also be very helpful. It makes sense that if I am calm, my baby will also be calm. I think wrapping him in a warm minky blanket would be some great calming mommy son time.

    Danielle Barnes
  • I always get in the bath with my toddler as she won’t let me have one on my own :) I love your cow minky blankets soooo much :)

  • I always get in the bath with my toddler – its the only way I get a bath as she won’t let me have one on my own :) These blankets look so soft and I do love the idea of incorporating one into the routine of getting the little ones ready for bed.


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