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5 Tips for Traveling With a Baby Post Covid Edition

If you had to cancel your 2020 travel plans because of the pandemic, you’re not alone! Airports and tourist destinations emptied out over the last year, but the world is slowly starting to reopen, and travel conversations are back on the table. 

For parents that have been at home with a baby for over a year, the thought of new scenery and a different route for daily walks can be a very exciting prospect. At the same time, it can be scary to consider breaking from routine and taking care of that little life without your creature comforts. 

If you are planning your first trip away with a baby, here are 5 ways to reduce stress and enjoy the time away:

  • Pack Extra
  • The days of minimalistic packing are over. When it comes to diapers, wipes, clean clothes, etc., it’s always a good idea to have a few more than you think you’ll need. This way you’re not stressed out by an accidental spill or an impromptu splash pad. 

  • Focus on Routine ‘Big Rocks’
  • Babies thrive on routine. However, they are adaptable to small changes, especially if you’re able to keep the big things the same, like nap times and bedtime routines. For example, if your baby usually eats dinner at home and then gets into the bath before bed at 6pm, it’s OK to have dinner at a restaurant, but try to keep a bath before bed at 6pm. 

  • Bring Comfort Objects
  • If your baby has a lovey or blanket that they sleep with or cuddle before bed, it’s very important to bring that with. If they don’t, try introducing a special blanket, like a Baby Minky Blanket, a few weeks before the trip. Then bring the blanket with for a piece of home away from home. 

  • Divide & Conquer
  • If traveling with a partner or grandparents, make sure to take some time to hand over the baby and get some rest. This may mean that mom takes the baby to a park for the first half of the morning and dad takes the baby for a walk in the afternoon, or however it may look for your family. 

  • Give Yourself – and Your Baby! – Some Grace
  • Just like adults, babies sometimes have trouble sleeping when in a new environment or may get fussy when home’s creature comforts aren’t available. Try to stay calm through the changes and remember that your routine will come back into swing as soon as you get back home. Similarly, you may forget to bring something you wish you had or may only realize once you arrive that the hotel you booked isn’t quite right. Whatever the situation may be, give yourself a break. Just getting out of the house with a baby is a big accomplishment! 

    The truth is that traveling with a baby is not necessarily relaxing in the way that travel was before kids. However, with careful packing, a bit of planning, and a little grace, it can be a wonderful experience for the whole family.

    1 comment

    • I get anxious just thinking about traveling abroad… We’ve stayed mostly at home since the pandemic began, it’s been pretty rough, not gonna lie. My husband worked his usual hours, no wfh for him, and I was all alone with the baby, I was afraid to have my family over to help. We wanted to go to Tulum this summer but with the latest restrictions it seems this is cancelled. Paris and Porto are also on the list but travelling to Europe with a baby is a LOT!


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