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5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Nursery

One of the most exciting parts of waiting to become a new parent is setting up a nursery. Even if the new baby won’t be sleeping there those first few months, the nursery is where a lot of the daily feeding, diaper changing, and baby snuggling takes place. Since you’ll be spending a large part of your days (and nights!) in the nursery, it’s worth taking a little extra time to ensure that it’s a welcoming, calm environment for you and your new little addition.

Here are 5 things to keep in mind for creating the perfect nursery:

#1. Keep It Simple

Even with the best intentions, having a baby is messy. There will be clothes not put away, bottles left out, and fallen toys long forgotten. The only way to make this mess worse is with a cluttered room.

The basic pieces you need in a nursery are a crib, a rocking chair, a changing table, and a closet or dresser for baby’s clothes. You may want to add a bookcase and a small table next to the rocking chair as well, but that’s all.

“Less is more” is the best motto for your nursery whenever possible, including furniture, decorations, and supplies. This will give you space to move around and will make the inevitable mess less overwhelming.

#2. Make It Functional

Saving a wriggly baby from falling off the changing table while searching everywhere for the diaper rash cream is not a challenge you want to face. Keep your key supplies – diapers, wipes, creams, clothes, a logical location that’s organized and well-stocked.

Test out the “flow” of the room before baby arrives. Is there enough room for the rocking chair to actually rock without hitting a wall? Can you reach the light if necessary when feeding? All of these details matter.

#3. Think Cozy

A nursery should be a warm and welcoming place that both you and your baby feel comfortable and at-home in. A few cozy touches can really make a difference, such as:

- When decorating, choose colors that make you feel happy and calm. For many people this means neutrals and muted tones but trust your gut on what makes you feel most at ease.
- Consider a nightlight or a small, warm-colored light that you can use for nighttime feedings when full daytime lights may be too much.
- Add a soft rug so that your feet are warm when changing diapers in the middle of the night.
- Keep a favorite blanket handy. The extra soft Baby Minky Blanket is perfect for throwing over the back of the rocking chair for any time you or baby need some extra warmth.

Control the Temperature

Depending on where you live and the time of the year, a small space heater or an adjustable fan can be a great investment in making the nursery a comfortable place to spend your time.

It’s also important to consider the temperature when dressing the baby, so make sure that you have a few different clothing or pajama options in varying degrees of warmth easily accessible from the changing table.

#5. Soothing Sounds

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you that newborns are not great conversationalists. Also, they are used to and comforted by soft, repetitive noise as it reminds them of being in the womb. With that in mind, don’t think that the nursery needsto be a completely quiet environment. A white noise machine is great to keep on in the background if baby is sleeping, and some calming music throughout the day would likely be appreciated by you both. Whether it’s a Bluetooth speaker or a music box, consider adding some sound to your nursery.

The truth is that you don’t need much to make a great nursery. If you keep it simple, functional, and cozy, with a manageable temperature and some soothing sounds, you’re sure to enjoy every minute spent there with your baby.  


  • I appreciate this article because it can feel intimidating to think about creating the “perfect” space, when the reality is that something clean and simple will work just fine. I hadn’t put much thought into temperature, so I appreciate the heads up – makes sense to think about it ahead of time and avoid any extra chilly (or heated) moments.

  • Thank you for these tips, they are helpful, notably for first-time parents. I would suggest adding decorative baskets. They can be practical when the mom doesn’t have time to clean; these baskets will make it easier for her to organize in a short time. Also, vintage-looking ones can add extra coziness to the room which is a plus. Besides, you can always display extra pillows and blankets in them. I would recommend using them.

  • Thank you for these tips, they are helpful, notably for first-time parents. I would suggest adding decorative baskets. They can be practical when the mom doesn’t have time to clean; these baskets will make it easier for her to organize in a short time. Also, vintage-looking ones can add extra coziness to the room which is a plus. Besides, you can always display extra pillows and blankets in them. I would recommend using them.


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